AFF 2002 Conference Reports Introduction

AFF 2002 Conference Reports: Introduction

Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.

Executive Director, AFF

Editor, Cultic Studies Review

We include in this issue of Cultic Studies Review a collection of articles based on presentations given at AFF’s 2002 annual conference in Orlando, Florida, June 14-15, 2002.

The articles represent a diverse range of topics, perspectives, approaches, and styles. Although the excitement and personal dimension of AFF conferences cannot be captured on paper, these articles do succeed in making the content of many talks available to a wider audience. We hope that you find them interesting and useful. And we further hope that you consider attending future AFF conferences.

Like Cultic Studies Review (CSR), AFF conferences are open to divergent points of view. Hence, opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of AFF, its staff, directors, or advisors. We have faith in the capacity of our readers and conference attendees to decide for themselves what makes sense to them and what doesn’t. Our goal is to give them resources that provoke thought.

As always, CSR is open to responsible comments from readers.